Friday, October 31, 2008

The Freedom of Speech Threatened

This article was a well written informative article I thorougly enjoyed reading. It was written by Molly Ivins and Louis Dubose.This is about a couple who in July of 2004 attend a suppossed campaign event at the West Virginia capital grounds.In his speech the president starts by thanking everyone from The Girl Scouts to the West Virginia Coal Association.It is an all too familiar speech about keeping the fear of terroists alive and how the war is a good idea so that we can keep our land at home safe. The authors go on to elaborate on how the president mentions all the freedoms he is so thankful for like the freedom for people to speak their minds, the freedom for people to worship as they choose, and Bush even stating that freedom is a gift from God to every man and woman.All the people applauded, except for maybe one couple, Nicole and Jeff Rank.Nicole was a FEMA employee who was offered tickets to attend the event and she accepted and gave the secret service information about her and her husband, the questionairre didn't ask if they were Bush supporters and she didn't offer.They attended the event and unveiled a homemade T-shirt with the no symbol crossed out over Bush. What occured after this was shocking. They were noticed, threated to be arrested if they didn't remove their T-shirts, and when protested arrested.

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